Did Leonardo DiCaprio, Ciara, and Ludacris secretly want siblings?

2 min readAug 21, 2022


Was being an only child “lonely” for these blossoming stars? The instant people find out I’m an only child, I’m met with two questions:

  1. Did you want siblings?

Did I want a little brother stealing my barbies & pelting me with NERF darts? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Would having a rambunctious little brother relieve me of parental pressure to achieve? Perhaps...

The financial perks are obvious (my own room, college tuition money), but let’s not over-simplify the situation. There’s plenty of large families yachting in New England this summer. (My family isn’t one of them.) Having “just one” isn’t a get rich quick card.

Can I give you the pros & cons of being an only child? Yes. But when it comes to answering “Did you want siblings?” I’m speculating based on observation alone.

2. How many kids do you want?

Question two leaves me scrambling for words. You want to know about my reproductive plans? My relationship status? My bank account? We just met! I’ve made the mistake of answering this question a dozen times.

Here are the hilarious reactions I’ve received in response to my answers:

#0 “No kids for me, thanks!”

Response: You’ll change your mind! It’s different when thier your own…

#1 “I enjoyed being an only child, so one sounds good.”

Response: Just one? Won’t they be lonely? Didn’t you want siblings as a kid? *Rattles off the names & ages of their offspring*

#2Two sounds good.”

Response: *Smiles & nods in agreement* This answer is universally well-received. Conjuring up images of a nuclear family living in a brick house surrounded by a white-picket fence taps into a shared 1950s nostalgia.

#3 Well, I’ve never said three, because frankly I can’t imagine it. Some only children grow up to raise a herd of kids, while others are content with thier dog.

If you’re looking to only children for perspective on family planning, that’s perfectly okay. But be warned: Our answers vary!

While we may never know if Leo, Ciara, and Ludacris wanted siblings, we do know that even only children disagree on the “right” number of kids. I urge you to put your own desires & circumstances above the opinions of society, friends, and family. Only you and your partner can decide!

Leonardo DiCaprio laughing in the Wolf of Wall Street




Written by AlexandraBello

Writes about relationships, dating, and career. Doesn’t reflect thoughts of my employer.

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